Nine lives for you my friend, nine ways to die before you're dead. The primitive need to survive flows through your veins, and you do, against all. How many times will you let them kill you before you're dead? How will you make your escape? Can you escape? I want to see you on the other side of this, alive at the end, retribution for all your pain, yet not a dismissal of the sins forced upon you. They tried to take your soul, and, at times, I doubt it escaped intact. There's no way to cleanse you now, to wipe clean all you were forced to do. You are tainted eternally brush strokes of pain upon you as a result. You know this, and I'm surprised that you don't put a bullet through your own head. So you can rest, can stop suffering. But no. You're a survivor, and if you killed yourself, you'd just live to die again.