
Fanfiction is often looked down upon. Especially slash fanfiction. "Porn!" Some people call it. And others bitch and moan, saying that the characterization is all wrong. "These men aren't gay." They tell the writers.

This seems to be a large problem with Mulder/Krycek slash. People think that it's implausible. "Krycek is evil; he killed Mulder's father, Scully's sister. He's done all sorts of bad things."

I find this a rather one-dimensional view of the character, and, while I'd like to rant about that for awhile, that's not what I'm here to write about today.

What I want to talk about is the themes in Mulder/Krycek stories. I know that dissecting them to death would be tedious and un-productive, so I won't do that. But an obvious theme has caught my attention, and I feel I need to say my piece about it.

In most M/K fics, the boys reconcile, if only for a night. These one nighters often end up having sequels, where the boys work out their problems. In other stories, the boys work out their anger and problems, and come to some sort of an agreement, before hopping into bed with one another. Then there's the stories where they loved each other all along, and just needed to admit it. So, what's the common thread here? Forgiveness.

That's what all (with the exception of a few fics where one assaults the other, or it's really *is* just about sex) M/K is about. Forgiveness. They've become modern parables, fables. They teach us a virtue. Mulder forgives Krycek for past transgressions, they (eventually) live happily ever after. Unless they die first, of course.

And I think this is why I love M/K so much. Sure, the boys are cute, but there's a lot of fandoms with cute boys, a lot of other X-Files pairings that make my mouth water. But they never touch me as much as the boys do. I can never read anything else so voraciously; I scarf down M/K fic faster than it can be written, wondering each day in what new way the boys will come together.

I think that nothing happens without a purpose. Mulder and Krycek, as a pair, were brought into my life. "Why?" I asked. They warm my heart. They give me a voyeurs glimpse at love, and the trial and tribulations thereof. When a story ends with them together, it makes me happy. It puts me in a good mood for the rest of the day, as I recall the story in my head.

And then, being self-inquisitive, and believing that everything teaches a lesson, as well, I asked, "What do these stories teach me? When I'm done, what do I come away with?"

The answer?

"Forgiveness and love stand hand in hand. They cannot exist separately. Together, they lead to greatness."

And, should this be the only truth I come away with, I know that all those hours spent reading and writing haven't been wasted.
