10/10/00 Everything by Araxdelan Dedicated to Sarah, on her birthday. = = = = = = = = = = = = = In the end, it was all there was; the passion between them, the eternal kinship of souls. It seemed mad to question it all, to wonder if it would ever be enough to keep them together, to keep them sane, to allow them the inadequate conceptualization of love that society deems ideal. But they did question. The years in which they remained unsure seemed to span lifetimes, and they were swallowed by waves of pain. They thought they were fighting the current, but in reality their denial became lead weights that they tied around their own ankles. The cold water of agony that choked their lungs was there of their own accord. They drowned themselves. Then it ended. It was a chill night four months after the victory against their foes. Krycek gave into the pull, as he had so many times before. He let himself be drawn towards Mulder. Picked the locks, went inside to find Mulder sleeping alone in his bed. This time, he didn't run from Mulder. Didn't let his fear take him from the room, or let him hide behind words. After four months of empty space, he knew there was nothing else for him. He knew that lives didn't change through inaction. It's through inaction that lives are ended. It's how a spirit dies. He took a breath. He took a chance. He climbed into bed. There were sweet moments of warm breath against his neck, and then Mulder woke. Stared at him, wide eyed. Then came an instant when each of them paused, feeling their worlds beginning to shift, awaiting the change. Mulder, too, had lived months without purpose. With his quest ended, the only place left in which to search for the truth existed within himself. He knew then the consequences of inaction. He knew that change was born of will and bravery. He stared into deep green eyes. He took a chance. He lifted his hand, and gently laid it against Krycek's cheek. Krycek sighed quietly, and Mulder smiled. With their first kiss they broke the dead stillness of the sea that surrounding them, and fought their way towards the light, to the surface. Their first kiss was their first breath. The shore was still off in the distance, but they were able to swim. They would forgive the past, and be as they were meant to be. In the end, that is more than enough. It is everything. Fin. krycekluvsmulder@hotmail.com http://araxdelan.tripod.com